Share Your Story

Why are you an independent voter? What does being an independent voter mean to you? Declare your independence, and watch a few of the great stories below for inspiration. Each week, we'll highlight these incredible stories in the Story Center. Let's see what you've got!


Upload your quick video, using these three prompts as a guide:

  • 1) What is your name (first names only), what do you do and where are you from?
  • 2) Declare, ā€œIā€™m an independent voter!ā€
  • 3) Why are you independent?
  • 4) Do you think independents are second-class citizens? Do you think they should have the same rights as every other voter? Why or why not?
  • 5) What do you think would happen if the political establishment started to listen to independents?
ā° Keep videos about a minute long
šŸ™‚ Start with your name and where you're from
šŸŽ§ Record from a quiet spot

Submit Your Video

Tell us your story.

100MB Max
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